The Nemenhah Records


Jan. 1, 2023

CAUTION: While I have benefited greatly from the Nemenhah Record itself, I also have my own viewpoint and perspective on things. I don’t always agree with the content presented, especially the interpretation of various doctrines or traditions of the translator(s). There are things that I strongly disagree with them on. I add a spirit of caution to anyone who considers joining their group. As with all things, you and you alone are empowered to take all things to God for a witness of the Holy Ghost.

Behold, they who do still see with the eyes of the spirit shall read these records, and of this prophecy most especially, and they shall beseech me again, seeking my face. And when they do this, I shall show myself unto them with great power. Then shall the restoration proceed again unhindered by pride.”

—Jesus Christ, The Second Book of Samuel, p.129

During the Summer of 2021, I had a friend casually suggest that I might be interested in a book that she had recently come across. Little did I know how this simple invitation would have such a profound impact on my life and the lives of those around me. I’ve struggled for some time to find the correct words to introduce this topic. I’m grateful that almost no explanation was given as to what the Nemenhah Records were. Simply studying and learning without any prejudice was such a blessing. It’s for this reason that I struggle to add context and framework as I introduce this record.

Knowing that my experience was unique to me, I’ll try to give sufficient context to encourage you, the reader, to study the words of this record, to absorb any truth that you find, and to see if it blesses your life. I have never found any record that teaches the doctrines of Christ with such clarity. I have never found any record that outlines the principles of Zion like this record. The precepts are unmistakable. I have also never found any record that so frequently encourages the reader to ask God for divine revelation in all things, even challenging you to not trust a single thing contained within its pages unless you receive a witness of the Holy Ghost. For that is the overarching theme, take all things to God for a witness of the Spirit.

So here’s what I’ll do, I’ll give you a very basic framework and background of the record and then invite you, if you feel so inclined, to read the record for yourself.

Record Overview

The Nemenhah Record is a history that begins with a man named Hagoth whose ancestors left Jerusalem around 600 BC. If you are familiar with the Book of Mormon, Hagoth was the shipbuilder referenced in only a few verses of scripture. Around 55 years before Christ’s birth, Hagoth led a sizeable group of people into the North country, or what we know today as North America. Instead of these people following the name tradition of calling themselves either Nephites or Lamanites or any manner of -ites, they called themselves Nemenhah which means “The People” or more accurately “The People guided by the Holy Ghost.”

This record follows the descendants of Hagoth for nearly 1600 years, detailing many incredible and heartbreaking events, up until the time when the Gentiles spread across the Americas and drove the native people from their lands. Within this timeframe, we hear from great prophets such as Samuel the Lamanite, Corianton (son of Alma), Moroni (the last Nephite prophet), women who were prophetesses, the Three Nephites, and many, many more. There are also detailed accounts of Jesus Christ visiting two separate groups of people and teaching them His doctrine. The first appearance was to a people in the Western part of the country in a city called Mentinah, and the second visit was to the Northeastern part of the country, where Corianton and his people lived.

Some of the overarching principles taught are the four core pillars or laws: The Pillar of Knowledge and Obedience, The Pillar of Sacrifice, The Pillar of Virtue, and The Pillar of Consecration. All of these were taught within the home to their children from a very young age. Living these principles, as taught in purity, truly was an endowment unto them. This often culminated in them being taught personally by angels and even the Savior upon The Way. Receiving the gift of the Second Comforter, even a personal witness of Christ is taught throughout. And by far, one of the most oft-repeated principles is seeking wisdom and knowledge through the gift of the Holy Ghost. I know of no record which repeats this invitation with more frequency and with more clarity.

I would also be amiss if I didn’t mention the prophecies of these people and how they saw the state of the world in our day and the corruption of doctrine and general apostate nature of latter-day churches. This record has helped immensely in separating truth from error and guided me to a much stronger faith in the Lord and our Heavenly Parents.

I feel that this is enough of a primer to introduce this record. I invite you to set aside any preconceived notions and approach this record with an open mind, not trusting anything unless the Spirit witnesses truth to your heart and mind. Set aside any biases you may have and just read. Allow the Holy Ghost to be your guide.


You can purchase either a hard copy or digital pdf of the Nemenhah Record at the links below. I have both btw, the digital PDF is really nice to search for keywords and quick referencing.

Hardcover Printed Book

Ebook / Digital PDF (not available at this time)

Disclaimer: Only a small portion of my thoughts and feelings are contained within this essay. It is nearly impossible to condense a lifetime of study, thoughts, and impressions, into a few paragraphs. I value and encourage the need for altering perspective as new light and knowledge is acquired. One of the best ways to know a person’s heart is to sit down and talk face-to-face, perhaps while consuming a mild barley drink.